HOK fundraising goals

HOK fundraising goals.

We want to hear your ideas on what we should fundraise for this year!

Our purpose is simple:
To help provide educational resource or facilities for the school, create a sense of community and bring joy to our kids.

We want to hear from our parent community, this survey helps us capture your ideas.  You are welcome to email us anytime of the year at hok@st-benedicts.school.nz 

We also work really closely with the teachers and board so we can get after what matters to the community. 
1.What could our fundraising money help to deliver for our school, or kids?
Past examples are the playground, sports equipment, Ipads for the library, bean bags for reading areas etc.  Big or small we want to hear it
2.What events or activities would you like to see HOK run, to help fundraising or bring some joy and fun to our kids?
Past examples are: quiz night, movie night, sausage sizzle, Spring Fair, Fathers Day breaksfast, Mothers Day shop, uniform sale, honey sale, Colour Run
3.Anything else you'd like the committee to consider?  General feedback