The Future of BFF Programs

1.Before we get to the questions about the coaching program for the adults...please let me know:

If I can find a neutral and central location in our area (park, church, neighborhood clubhouse...) how interested would you be in one kids' class per week after school?

Of course this would require you to drop off and pick up your child instead of having it right after school.)
2.How interested would you be in a coaching program for parents/guardians/caregivers (with benefits for the kids stemming from activities therein) to focus on healthy habits and fitness and wellness for yourself and your family?
3.If you are not interested at all - or not at this time - please give me a brief reason why this isn't for you? (Feel free to respond to the rest of the survey to indicate what you'd like to see in the program if you ever decide to join-it will be helpful to me either way!) Thank you!
4.The time frame I have in mind is the same the kids' classes, 3 months.

Topics would include nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness/stress management. Materials could potentially include online video instruction or "meet-ups," informational texts, ebooks/reflection exercises, a challenge or tracking log here and there and a Facebook group (or similar) so we can all interact and support one another.

Considering how busy you are, and the topics, and how much material you feel is consumable in that time period, would you rather:
5.If interested, would you rather:
6.Considering how much time you might have to digest the information and complete any activities (I'll keep them short and doable!), what methods of information delivery do you prefer?
7.The amount of direct contact time with Coach Dawn will be a big factor in program cost, but please choose the range you think the value of such a program would be worth to you.

Please keep in mind you'd be receiving monthly content in 4 key areas of health & fitness for 3 consecutive months. You'll also have access to a community of other parents, PLUS personal coaching with Dawn, in some capacity, no matter how often that turns out to be. (That's why these are ranges, because a few factors have yet to be decided.)
8.Do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share? Any additional feedback now that you've heard more would be very much appreciated!

Don't forget, if you would like to chat 1-on-1, click back to the email or post where you got this survey and grab a spot on my calendar!