Copy of Adoptees' Report V(12) 2024 Adoptees' Project Report (V12) 2024 Question Title * 1. Project Leader Anderson, Michael Ayers Sue Ayers Paul Beaumont, Julie Bradbury Helen Carter, Janine Church Rebecca Clarke, Ian Clydesdale, Travis Cragg, Graham Cragg, Linda Crappsley Doug Crappsley Marie Deakin Mary Deakin Rod Dignon, Ian Dunham Janet Durey Peter Errey Julie Errey Dave Feist Lida Fogarty, John Franz, Adam Garnett Megan Gibson, Hamish Goodall Glen Hanson Nicky Hardy Gene Hensby Iain Hicks Suzanne Hickey Matt Holt, Alison Holt, Geoff Howe Keith Howe Trish Kelly Heath Kikeros Jenny King Nikki KloK Dawn Klok Rob Knowles, Olivia Lange Kevin Lurie Peter McDonald Beth McLachlan Jim McMulkin Neil McMulkin Tracey Matthews Gilbert Moore Pip Moore Richard Moore Tony Murphy Greg Murphy Jenny Oates Fran O'Shea Kathleen Piggford Leone Pratt Nita Scott Jane Sharpe Joan Sharpe Rob Smith David Smith Wally Stubber Alice Tate Jeff Tate Myriam Tatham Marie Taylor Gail Thomas Sarah Tuffin Tom Underdown Robert Vanhaeften Darryl Willcox Dave Wood A Wykes Boyd Other (please type in your name if it is not on the list Question Title * 2. How many people were there in your party? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 If more than 8 please type in the number Question Title * 3. How many hours did your entire party work? (Number of people times number of hours.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 if more than 30 please type in the number Question Title * 4. What is the condition of this section of the Track Extremely poor Poor Not too bad Good Extremely good Extremely poor Poor Not too bad Good Extremely good Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What sort of work did you perform on the Track? Pruning Weeding Litter cleanup Erosion control Inspection of this section of the Track Infrastructure maintenance including marker posts Administration (Committee members) Arum Lily Spraying Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Please enter date that work was carried out. Date Date Question Title * 7. If you would like to make a comment please do so in the space below. Question Title * 8. Are there any situations that you believe need special attention? Yes No Some may need attention before long Other (please specify) Next Page