Local Control Accountability Plan Spending Priority Rank (In English) |
A large cross-section of stakeholders have been surveyed on Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) spending priorities. The ten highest priority items have been identified and are the subject of this survey. Given limited resources and the uncertainty of current enrollment, our objective is to have our stakeholder priorities in order so that spending decisions can be based on stakeholder input.
The spending priorities, in alphabetical order, are as follows:
College-Going Culture Initiative
Common Core State Standards
Counseling and Student Supports
Culturally Responsive (or relevant) Teaching Initiative
English Language Learners
Parent Involvement Initiative
Safe Schools & Attendance Initiative
Structured Academic Support Initiative
Summer School and Extended School Days (Credit Recovery)
Teacher and Non-Teacher Salaries
The first series of questions in this survey describe you. Please complete every question that applies to you.
The last question is a forced ranking. Rank the spending priorities from 1 (highest priority) to 11 (lowest priority) by selecting each priority and assigning it a number from 1 to 11.
The spending priorities, in alphabetical order, are as follows:
College-Going Culture Initiative
Common Core State Standards
Counseling and Student Supports
Culturally Responsive (or relevant) Teaching Initiative
English Language Learners
Parent Involvement Initiative
Safe Schools & Attendance Initiative
Structured Academic Support Initiative
Summer School and Extended School Days (Credit Recovery)
Teacher and Non-Teacher Salaries
The first series of questions in this survey describe you. Please complete every question that applies to you.
The last question is a forced ranking. Rank the spending priorities from 1 (highest priority) to 11 (lowest priority) by selecting each priority and assigning it a number from 1 to 11.