Congratulations on the successful completion of your program and welcome home! Please complete this return questionnaire, again without searching for any of the answers online. Many of the questions are the same or similar to those in the pre-departure survey you completed, this is by design and will help CFHI to improve our programs. Please recall that all answers will be kept anonymous and confidential.
Without searching for the answers online, estimate the following statistics for the country to worked in.

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* 1. Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (PPP) (% of population)

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* 2. Ratio of female to male primary enrollment (%)

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* 3. Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)

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* 4. Unemployment, total (% of total labor force)

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* 5. If local physicians or nonprofit coordinators ask you to send them supplies upon your return to the U.S., What is the appropriate response:

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* 6. Is it ever acceptable to perform a procedure that you are not licensed to perform in the U.S. while you are abroad?

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* 7. If patients ask you a question relating to their medical condition but you do not have the answer, should you:

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* 8. List three barriers to health care that you witnessed in the community in which you worked.

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* 9. List three strategies that you witnessed health care professionals using to circumvent barriers to health care during your program.

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* 10. Please list three cultural differences that you witnessed between health care professionals in the U.S. and the country you worked in.

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* 11. What was the greatest challenge that you experienced working with health care providers at your host site?

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* 12. What did you observe to be the major causes of morbidity and mortality affecting the populations you worked with?

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* 13. What were the three most common conditions that you witnessed while on your program?