CareCFO Aged Care Finance Officer Network

The AC-FON is a network of Aged Care Finance leaders who are navigating a complex and ever-evolving business compliance framework.
CareCFO has founded the network to provide a collective voice for finance leaders to enhance the financial stewardship, viability and sustainability of the sector in an environment of collaboration and networking. 
To register to join AC-FON, please complete the below form. 

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* 1. Please provide the following details:

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* 2. How long have you worked for the provider?

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* 3. Organisation Turnover:

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* 4. Organisation Type:

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* 5. Does your organisation provide:

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* 6. How many people do you have in your finance team?

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* 7. Name of the Finance System you use:

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* 8. Which day of the week suits your availability best for monthly (online) meetings?

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* 9. Would you like to attend the annual networking dinner (in November)?
Note: this only an indication of interest, not confirmation of availability.

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* 10. Would you like to attend the annual conference (in May)?
Note: this only an indication of interest, not confirmation of availability.

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* 11. Do you want to register any affiliate finance officers from your organisation?

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* 12. If yes, please provide the following details:

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* 13. Do you wish to pay the membership fees on a monthly or annual basis?

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