Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey. It helps us learn more about the unique needs of your state and districts.  

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* 1. What role most closely aligns with your job duties?

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* 2. How confident do you feel that the district is claiming 100% of Medicaid eligible services in your Medicaid program?

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* 3. At what frequency does your District Medicaid lead have access to service provider accountability reporting and Medicaid claims progress reporting?

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* 4. How is the district’s student demographic information, Medicaid eligibility, and Student IEP information transferred into the district’s Medicaid vendors software?

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* 5. What software does the district currently use to document related services and submit your Medicaid claims?

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* 6. How much is the district reimbursed for Medicaid eligible services annually?

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* 7. How much is the district paying for your Medicaid billing software access annually?

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* 8. How would service providers describe the current system they use to document and log services they provide to students?

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* 9. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being substantial need for improvement, 10 being perfect performance) how would you rank your current Medicaid vendor or the District’s internal process for documenting and claiming for Medicaid reimbursement?

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* 10. What part of your districts Medicaid process takes the longest for you personally?

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* 11. When was the last time your district reviewed Medicaid vendors to determine the best fit for the district?

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* 12. If greater than 4 years for the answer above, what has kept the district from reviewing the Medicaid vendor market to potentially find a better option? (If less than 3 years, mark N/A.)

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* 13. If you were to review the Medicaid vendor market, what would be the time of year you would meet with vendors for product demonstrations?

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* 14. Contact Information