Fire Awareness Survey

The following survey has been put together to gather an understanding of our community’s ideas and concerns regarding fire preparedness in and around Apollo Bay. The information you supply will be used to develop a Community Response Plan, based on local issues. This plan will work to ensure we are better prepared in the case of a bush-fire in our area.
The Fire Ready Apollo Bay Project was developed in late 2019 and is a partnership between Apollo Bay CFA, Marrar Woorn Neighbourhood House and Great Ocean Road Health and has been funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation. Some of these questions have been included by RMIT as they will use our results anonymously as part of a wider study into community resilience.

 By completing this survey, and a follow-up one later in the year, you will be in the running to win a fire ready pack valued at over $200 that includes a rechargeable multi-band radio with torch and hand crank in case of emergency, a 15,000mAh power bank to charge your devices when the power is out and a level 3 soft first aid kit.

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is the composition of your household?

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* 5. Which of the following best describes you house or property?

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* 6. If known, what year was the house built?

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* 7. About how long have you lived in this house or property?

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* 8. What type of residence is this for you?

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* 9. Do you own or rent this property?

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* 10. What animals do you have on this property?

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* 11. Please provide details of the types and numbers of animals you had on the property at the beginning of last summer

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* 12. How likely do you think it is that a bush fire could occur in your local area?

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* 13. How do you rate the threat from bush fires to your property?

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* 14. How do you rate the threat from bush fires to your household members’ safety?

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* 15. How do you rate the threat from bush fires to your business or livelihood and associated assets (e.g. farm, machinery, livestock)?

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* 16. Which of the following best describes your previous experience with bush fire? Please select all that apply.

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* 17. Which of the following best describes your level of planning for bush fire?

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* 18. When developing your bush fire plan, does this include liaising with neighbours or other community members?

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* 19. What insurance coverage do you have?

  Fully insured Partially insured Not insured Not applicable

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* 20. How wold you rate your level of preparedness?

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* 21. Are you a CFA volunteer?

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* 22. Do you currently volunteer for any local organisations or community groups?

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* 23. Are you aware of the progress made towards a community bush fire response plan for Apollo Bay and surrounds?

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* 24. Are you aware of the bush fire place of last resort for Apollo Bay?

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* 25. How will you know if there is a bush fire threatening your area? Please select all that apply.

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* 26. What information sources do you or other household members use to plan and prepare for bush fire? please select all that apply.

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* 27. Have you or your family been concerned about the management of asthma and/or other respiratory conditions over the fire danger period?

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* 28. Have you or your family been concerned about heat stress or exposure?

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* 29. Have you ever attended CFA community information meetings in your area?

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* 30. What can we do as a community to prepare for a bush fire? e.g. Activities that ensure we are best prepared before a fire occurs? (Consider who in the community would be responsible for the actions)

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* 31. Keeping in mind that your local brigade will be busy trying to put out the fire, what can we do as a community in response to a bush fire that has already started? (Consider who in the community would be responsible for the actions)

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* 32. Do you have skills or experience which could help your community in preparation for, or during an emergency situation? (Select as many as relevant)

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* 33. Would you be interested in having a bush fire planning session in your local area or with your community group?

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* 34. Do you have any specific concerns?

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* 35. Please add me to the Apollo Bay Fire ready email list for further updates