Consultation Questionnaire

Please take a few minutes to tell us your view on our Tenant Participation Strategy for the next 3 years by answering the following questions.

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* 1. Do you agree with our vision for tenant participation - To maximise the participation of all our tenants, forming good working relationships, building trust and respect whilst sharing information, ideas and power.

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* 2. Do you agree with our aims for tenant participation, which are:
  • form good working relationships
  • communicate and empower tenants
  • share information, ideas and power
  • involve tenants in decision-making and make sure they have time to consider issues
  • provide resources for tenants' groups
  • set the agenda with tenants
  • build trust and respect and work in partnership with tenants
  • create equal values and opportunities

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* 3. Do you agree with our approach to supporting tenants and tenants' groups to get involved (e.g. venues for meetings, printing, photocopying and stationery supplies, grants for tenants' groups)

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* 4. Do you feel there is anything more we could do to encourage more tenants to get involved?

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* 5. Communication - please tell us which of the following methods of communication you would prefer to use when participation with us?  Please tick all that apply.

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* 6. Please tell us why these are your preferred methods of communication?

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* 7. Are there any barriers which prevent you communicating with us in a certain way (for example, no access to internet for online communication)

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* 8. Do you have any comments or suggestions you would like to make about our approach to tenant participation in East Lothian Council?