Music in the Mountains - Catalina State Park

1.Have you previously attended Music in the Mountains Concerts at Catalina State Park?
2.How would you rate the Music in the Mountains concert you attended? (1 star is very poor - 5 starts is excellent)
3.How did you learn about the Music in the Mountains concert at Catalina State Park?
4.Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions. 1-Strongly disagree and 5=Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Somewhat agree
Stronfly agree
The concert details and information was accurate and easy to find.
I would recommend this event to friends and family.
I will be back to enjoy another Music in the Mountains concert at Catalina State Park.
5.What artists/bands would you like to see play here / invited back?
6.How can we do to improve the Music in the Mountains series?
7.Please share any additional comments/feedback with us regarding the Music in the Mountains at Catalina State Park.