Next European Commission: expectations

1.In your opinion, which of the following Commissioners will be re-appointed after the 2024 elections? (pick multiple options)
2.How would you rate the performance of the following Commissioners? (pick those you are most familiar with)
Ursula von der Leyen (President)
Thierry Breton (Internal Market)
Paolo Gentiloni (Economy)
Frans Timmermans (European Green Deal)
Margrethe Vestager (A Europe Fit for the Digital Age)
Valdis Dombrovskis (An Economy that Works for People)
Josep Borrell Fontelles (A Stronger Europe in the World)
Maroš Šefčovič (Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight)
Věra Jourová (Values and Transparency)
Dubravka Šuica (Democracy and Demography)
Margaritis Schinas (Promoting our European Way of Life)
Johannes Hahn (Budget and Administration)
Mariya Gabriel (Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth)
Nicolas Schmit (Jobs and Social Rights)
Janusz Wojciechowski (Agriculture)
Elisa Ferreira (Cohesion and Reforms)
Stella Kyriakides (Health and Food Safety)
Didier Reynders (Justice)
Helena Dalli (Equality)
Ylva Johansson (Home Affairs)
Janez Lenarčič (Crisis Management)
Adina Vălean (Transport)
Olivér Várhelyi (Neighbourhood and Enlargement)
Jutta Urpilainen (International Partnerships)
Kadri Simson (Energy)
Virginijus Sinkevičius (Environment, Oceans and Fisheries)
Mairead McGuinness (Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union)
3.In your opinion, who will be the next President of the European Commission?
4.Please help us improve the reliability of our findings. What is your sector?
5.Please help us improve the reliability of our findings. What is your country?
6.Do you have any further comments or suggestions?