New Jersey Department of Agriculture Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
School Food Service Authority SFSP Outreach Participation Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
This questionnaire is the first step for eligible New Jersey School Districts to begin the process for applying to the program and\or to begin to gain valuable program information for future participation.
The Summer Food Service Program, provides New Jersey schools with the highest federally-funded per meal reimbursement for summer meal programs offered to low-income children, at non-academic school program sites, during the summer months. Through the Summer Food Service Program schools are able to continue feeding children healthy, nutritious, summer meals through the summer, when school is out of session, so when September comes children are ready to learn.
Many School Sponsors also participate by sponsoring unaffiliated community sites. Thereby, furthering their mission to support their community by ensuring all children have access to summer meals when school buildings may be closed and the need exists to continue providing children meals throughout the summer to prevent summer hunger.
Please complete the survey and you will be sent further details regarding the upcoming Summer Meals School Sponsor Streamlined Application training sessions to be held on February 1, 2017 and March 1, 2017.
For more information, please contact our office at 609-292-4498 or email us at You can also visit our website at
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you to ensure no child goes hungry during the summertime!