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* 1. I'm focused on developing specific leadership behaviors.

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* 2. What have you liked best about this development process so far?

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* 3. What have you liked least about this development process so far?

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* 4. On a scale from 1-100, how likely are you to recommend your facilitator?

0 100

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* 5. What is the reason for your recommendation rating?

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* 6. The facilitator demonstrates expertise on the topics we discuss.

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* 7. The facilitator manages group involvement to maximize engagement.

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* 8. The facilitator demonstrates active listening skills to increase engagement.

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* 9. The facilitator manages the time allotted for each session appropriately.

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* 10. The presentation (PPT) and materials are helpful in my development.

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* 11. The email communications are helpful in my development.

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* 12. Our focus is your growth. Please share anything that is getting in the way of you growing as a leader.