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* 1. Do you have any concerns about the proposed project?

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* 2. If the proposed project is developed, what types of benefits should the proposed wind farm provide to the local community?

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* 3. What further information would you like to see at the next stage of the Community Consultation process? Note, a draft layout including proposed number of turbines and their locations will be published at the next stage of Community Consultation.

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* 4. Have you any other comments or additional information you would like to provide in relation to the proposed development.

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* 5. The project team is committed to keeping the local community informed about the proposed project. Please help us identify other local groups which you may feel should be included on the circulation list for project updates.

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* 6. Please enter your contact details below.

For the purposes of data protection, please note that the only personal data that we hold will be the contact details you submit on this form. This will not be connected to any other personal data relating to you. Your details will be stored in a secure encrypted database on the Bord na Móna servers for the duration of the Kilberry Wind Farm project (or until you opt out of the service). Your details will only be used for contacting you in relation to this questionnaire.

If you decide to opt out at any time, your details will be securely deleted from our systems and you will no longer be contacted. Otherwise, your details will be deleted from our systems on completion of the Kilberry Wind Farm project.

By submitting your name and address to us, you are consenting to allow us to use your information for the above purpose. You can optout at anytime by emailing

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