Week 2 First Music Contact COVID -19 Income Loss measurement

Dear musicians, labels, managers, producers, promoters, publishers, lawyers accountants, organizers, freelancers, services, music organizations and institutions and everyone else in the sector.

The spread of COVID-19 worldwide is affecting us all. As measures have been taken by authorities in Ireland to address this pandemic a lot of you will lose income and opportunities in the coming weeks. At the moment there is no way for us to measure the impact that may have on those working in the music industry in Ireland

We would like to try to address that.

In an effort to assess potential damages and provide potential solutions to the situation, we will be collecting data over the coming weeks and beginning to aggregate information on cancelled music events, postponed performances, lost opportunities and loss of income in the sector.

We kindly ask you to complete this short survey and to share this link with others working in the sector. We ask that you give us information about actual losses on a weekly basis and fill in this form every week. 

As all are encouraged to complete this questionnaire including artists, technical and production team, managers etc please respond only in relation to you, particularly in relation to income losses

We have amended the week 2 survey with your feedback and it will remain on our website until Sunday April 5th 

In the meantime, please check out the news section on firstmusiccontact.com and follow FMC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for useful links for supports during this time. 

Stay safe
First Music Contact
* Required
1.Name / Venue Name / Company Name(Required.)
2.Email address(Required.)
4.Which of the following best describes you or your company? (mark more than one where appropriate) (Required.)
5.Which of the following best describes you?
6.Do you receive funding from any of the following?
7.Have you had any work cancelled as a direct result of COVID -19 measures 
8.Have you applied for the COVID-19 emergency fund? If so, have you received it?
9.How many scheduled events/tours have you had cancelled following measures by the government for the containment of COVID-19?(Required.)
10.Where in Ireland was this activity due to take place?(Required.)
11.Was any of this cancelled activity due to take place outside of Ireland? And if so, where?(Required.)
12.Was any of this cancelled activity due to take place outside of Ireland with Culture Ireland support?(Required.)
13.Indicate the type of cancelled events: *(Required.)
14.How many of the events required a paid entrance? *(Required.)
15.How many events were free?(Required.)
16.Has it been possible to re-schedule any of the cancelled events? *(Required.)
17.Estimate the total number of people who would have taken attended or takenpart in the cancelled events:(Required.)
18.Including yourself, estimate the number of people who would have worked during the cancelled events (including the number of technicians, artists and performers etc) estimate only you or people in your company(Required.)
19.As a company/organisation did you have to lay off staff in the past week? If yes, indicate how many workers.(Required.)
20.Estimate the fixed expenses that as a local business/company / venue/ organisation you will still have to bear during this period, despite the closure/cancellation of the scheduled events generated by the containment measures: *(Required.)
21.Estimate the lost revenue generated by the cancellation of events: 

22.Estimate the loss of income to you or your company in the past week: *
23.As an artist, have you been able to continue making work ? 
24.As a company/organisation, do you think that - at the end of the emergency - it will be possible to resume the process of organising gigs and cultural events? *
25.Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Current Progress,
0 of 25 answered