Provincetown East End Waterfront Park Kick-Off Survey Question Title * 1. What is your resident zip code? Question Title * 2. How many weeks per year do you visit Provincetown? 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 26 or more Question Title * 3. What is your resident status? Provincetown Resident Part-time Resident Taxpayer Seasonal Resident Non-resident Visitor Question Title * 4. How often do you walk along the East End of Commercial Street (Pier 2)? Daily Multiple times a week Weekly Monthly A few times a year Yearly Never Question Title * 5. Are you familiar with the open space at 387-395A Commercial Street (Behind East End Bookstore)? Yes No Question Title * 6. If yes, how often do you use this space? Every day Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 7. How do you typically use this space? Choose all that apply. Walk through to get to the beach Sit at the lunch table Enjoy the views Dog walking People-watch Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What do you like most about this space? Views to the beach Connection from Commercial Street to the beach Passive Space (enjoying scenery, paths, seating, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. This space will become a new public waterfront park, what is most important for it to have? Please rank importance: 1 (high) - 5 (low) Question Title * 10. How important is it for the park to be designed to address the impacts of climate change (sea level rise, heat island effect, storm water management)? Extremely important Important Somewhat Important Not Important Question Title * 11. Are you interested in an on-site workshop to share your visions for this future waterfront park? Yes No Question Title * 12. Please enter your email address to receive updates and information on future public meetings. Sign up on the link below if you would like to be involved: Finish