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Faculty at the University of Hawaii at Hilo have received funding from the National Science Foundation to pilot test drinking water from approximately 20 home-owners across the Big Island who get their drinking water from an individual water catchment system or well. To learn about opportunities to have your home drinking water tested for biological and chemical contaminants (e.g., rat lungworm disease parasite, herbicides, pesticides, etc.) and/or to receive a copy of the research results when published, please review the following:

In order to be considered to have your home drinking water tested, you must:
-        Be 18 or older
-        Own (not rent) your home on the Big Island
If you are selected to have your water tested for this current project, you will receive an email with the consent information below and will be asked to schedule time to review and discuss the information with one or more research team members before you make a decision about whether to participate.
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