Cold Springs Camping Question Title * 1. Age: Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-74 75+ OK Question Title * 2. In what county and state do you presently reside? OK Question Title * 3. How did you find out about this site? Family/Friends Advertisements Iowa Welcome Center Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Over the course of a year, how often do you visit Cold Springs? 1 2 3 4 5 or more times OK Question Title * 5. How many are in your travel group? (Including yourself) Adult Males Adult Females Children OK Question Title * 6. What are three things you like most about visiting here? OK Question Title * 7. What are three things we could improve your experience here? OK Question Title * 8. Are you aware of any other recreational sites in Cass County? If yes, which ones OK Question Title * 9. Which recreational activities do you enjoy participating in the most? (Please check all that apply.) Picnicking Hiking or Nature Walks Fishing Hunting Camping Nature study such as Bird Watching Historic Places Swimming Biking on Trails Other OK Question Title * 10. (For Non-Cass County Residence Only.) On this trip, what is your (or your travel party’s) average DAILY spending in Cass County for: (Please exclude purchases made outside the county.) Lodging/Camping $ Food $ Shopping $ Entertainment $ Transportation $ OK DONE