Staffing Survey Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name Organization Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number OK Question Title * 2. Which state legislators do you or your organization have a relationship with? OK Question Title * 3. Total number of afterschool staff: (All following answers should be based on the total number of staff listed here) OK Question Title * 4. Number of staff that are full-time: OK Question Title * 5. Number of staff that are part-time: OK Question Title * 6. Number of staff with a high school degree as the highest education: OK Question Title * 7. Number of staff with some college as the highest education: OK Question Title * 8. Number of staff with a 2-year college degree as the highest education: OK Question Title * 9. Number of staff with a 4-year college degree as the highest education: OK Question Title * 10. Number of staff with a Master's degree or higher: OK Question Title * 11. Number of staff with a NYS School-Age Care Credential: OK Question Title * 12. Number of staff that identify as male: OK Question Title * 13. Number of staff that identify as female: OK Question Title * 14. Average Hourly Wage for Full-time Staff (include lowest and highest hourly wages): OK Question Title * 15. Average Hourly Wage for Part-time Staff (include lowest and highest hourly wages): OK Question Title * 16. Turnover Rate of Afterschool Staff (in a year): OK Question Title * 17. Approximately what percentage of your program budget goes towards salaries and fringe? OK Question Title * 18. How is your program funded? (Please select all that apply) Advantage After School Program 21st Century Community Learning Centers Empire State After-School Program Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention NYC - COMPASS/SONYC, Cornerstone, or Beacon Local Government Funds School District Funds Foundation Funds Individual Giving Parent Fees Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 19. If the per student rate is increased to $2,320 (from $1,375 or $1,600) and you are awarded a new grant at that level, how will you use the additional funds? OK DONE