Now that our amalgamation is official, we are excited to develop our most impressive CEP events calendar to date, offering high-quality content and improved educational experiences. Your input on these events is highly valued as maintaining content quality is our top focus. We aim to make sure that the time you invest away from your businesses and clients is truly worthwhile.

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* 1. In thinking about CEP activities, which are your preferred type of events?

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* 2. What speakers or topics would you like to see in upcoming CEP programs?

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* 3. Would you be interested in attending optional workshops in conjunction with CEP events?

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* 4. If so, what types of workshops would you like to participate in?

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* 5. Would you be interested at speaking/presenting at any CEP events?

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* 6. If so, what specialties and/or topics would you like to present?

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* 7. What's important to you when attending a CEP event? (e.g. networking opportunities, scheduling, Q&A opportunities, virtual attendance options etc.)

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* 8. Any further suggestions for future events or feedback for previous ACAud/HAASA events?