260 Brands Candidate Application Form - Systems Administrator 

1.Please enter your first name(Required.)
2.Please enter your surname(Required.)
3.Please enter your email(Required.)
4.Please enter your phone number(Required.)
5.What is your notice period at your current employer?(Required.)
6.What is the highest educational qualification you've achieved?(Required.)
7.Have you done formal training in SAP B1?(Required.)
8.How many years of experience do you have using SAP B1 in a practical work setting?(Required.)
9.What is your gross monthly salary (ZMW) in your current or most recent employment (EXCLUDING other perks/benefits)? You may put a range if preferred.(Required.)
10.What is your gross monthly salary expectation (ZMW) in this new role (EXCLUDING perks/benefits)? You may put a range if preferred.(Required.)
11.Please list the extra perks/benefits you would expect in addition to the gross monthly salary expectation listed in previous question.(Required.)