Kintec Hamilton Foot Pain Survey Question Title * 1. Where are you experiencing your foot pain? Bottom of heel Back of heel (Achilles) Arch Forefoot Big-toe Lesser Toes Top of foot Ankle Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. Where are you experiencing foot pain? ex. forefoot, heel, toes OK Question Title * 3. Does your foot pain interfere with your daily routine, work and/or activities? Yes No OK Question Title * 4. How disabling is your foot pain? Not disabling Somewhat disabling Extremely disabling Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 5. What do you believe caused your foot pain? Spending long hours on my feet Not wearing the right footwear An acute injury A diagnosed health condition Overuse Injury I'm not sure Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. What treatment have you tried so far to relieve your foot pain? (check all that apply) Off-the-shelf Insoles Pain Relievers (ie. ibuprofen) Stretching Topical Pain Relieving Medication Physiotherapy OK DONE