March 2024

Every ASU member is unique, and every workplace is different, but we stand together across local government to achieve better workplaces. We want you to have a real say on your next enterprise agreement.

All responses to the survey are confidential and will be handled in accordance with Australian Services Union privacy policy. Results will only be reported in aggregate form and anonymously.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the statements below: (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Pay increases need to exceed the real cost of living
I want to know when I can't stop work due to excessive heat, smoke or dust storms
I want paid leave if I cannot work or are told to go home or stay home because of fire, floods, severe storms, or any other natural disaster
I want paid leave if I cannot work or are told to go home or stay home because of fire, floods, severe storms, or any other natural disaster.
I want paid leave if I need to go home or pick-up children or older relatives because of fire, floods, severe storms, or any other natural disaster
Our Council should be doing more about the impact of climate change on workers (heat, poor air quality etc.)
Bullying, harassment and stress are issues in our workplace
My workload is excessive
My department has enough qualified & experienced staff to do the work
Council needs to work with employees to address mental health issues
Sexual harassment & gendered violence is an issue that needs to be addressed
I can access flexible working arrangements to balance my work family responsibilities
Staff undergoing gender affirmation/transition should be given paid leave and support
Casual agency staff should not be used instead of permanent employees
Direct and secure employment by the Council delivers the best services to the community
Council consults with me and other employees about matters that affect our employment
Workers should have the right to disconnect from work and refrain from engaging in work-related communications outside of agreed working hours
Workers should have the right to privacy, including introduction of guidelines on the use of data and restrictions on digital surveillance

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* 2. What are the 3 most important issues for you?

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* 3. Are there any other issues you would like to raise? (optional)

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* 4. Are you an ASU member?

Question Title

* 5. Employment status:

Question Title

* 6. Employment type:

Question Title

* 7. Is your area represented in the negotiations? Are you interested in becoming an ASU Delegate or Contact for your area?

Question Title


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey...

For further information please contact:
ASU Member Contact Centre | 1300 855 570 |

“The ASU works to protect and advance the interests of its members and the industries they work in. From time to time, we may provide news and campaign updates to non-members who have provided us with their details via petition, survey, attendance sheet, or any other document where details are provided. You can unsubscribe from these updates at any time, and you can read our full privacy policy on the ASU Vic/Tas website.”

Authorised by Lisa Darmanin, Branch Secretary, ASU Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch
116 Queensberry Street, Carlton South, Victoria, 3053