2024 MoveUP Women & Gender Rights Committee BCFED Delegate Application

Registration Information: Please complete in full. Deadline is Thursday, October 31, 2024 @ 12 p.m.

All applications will be reviewed by the Committee chair. Confirmation to the successful candidates will be sent by the email provided no later than November 5, 2024.
A reminder that you must commit to attending all day and all evening sessions of this convention.
1.What is your first name?
2.What is your last name?
3.What employer do you work for (example ICBC)?
4.What city do you live in?
5.What is your cell phone number?
6.What is your home phone number?
7.What is your work email address?
8.What is your home email address?
9.Why are you interested in attending this convention?
10.Are you interested in attending the Young Workers Forum on Sunday, November 24?
11.Are you interested in attending the Human Rights Forum on Sunday, November 24?
12.Why do you feel it is important to attend?
13.What are your hopes to learn from the convention?
14.What issues do you see in your workplace that are most challenging issues in regards to Women & Gender Rights?
15.Are there issues affecting Women & Gender Rights that the Labour movement should be supporting, fighting for and bringing awareness to?
16.Do you identify as 2SLGBTQIA+?
17.Do you identify as Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, Metis)?
18.Do you identify as Indigenous, Black or Racialized / A person of colour?
19.Do you identify as Person living with a Disability?
20.Please note that ASL and closed captioning will be provided at all convention related events. Please list any other accessibility accommodation needed at the Vancouver Convention Centre (e.g. mobility issues):
21.Attendance to all day and all evening sessions are mandatory. Are there any scheduling conflicts for you that would not allow you to fully participate.
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered