Understanding perceptions of ProZ.com

1.What do you know about ProZ.com?
2.How would you rate your overall impression of ProZ.com?
3.Have you ever had direct contact with a staff member of ProZ.com?
4.Are you a paying member of ProZ.com, or have you been one in the past?
5.How likely are you to use ProZ.com's services in the future?
6.What words would you use to describe ProZ.com? Select all that apply.
7.In your opinion, does ProZ.com support the interests of freelancers?
8.Could you provide one piece of advice for ProZ.com that would help the company evolve?
9.What is your profession?
10.Which age group do you belong to?
11.Which country do you currently reside in?
12.Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey; your answers will be used to help improve aspects of the ProZ.com experience. If you have any additional comments, please enter them here. If you are open to being contacted by the ProZ.com team about your responses here, feel free to add your email address as well: