

We need your help! If you have used APP's peer support service, please complete this short survey.

We'd like to hear from anyone who has received APP peer support in any way. This may have been through our online forum or attending a café group. Or you may have received one to one support via email, video/phone call or face to face. Or perhaps you had other contact with an APP peer support volunteer or staff member, including through our NHS partnership projects where we have peer supporters working in MBU and community perinatal teams. We would also like to hear from any of our volunteers who have delivered peer support.

The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Your responses will help us improve APP’s peer support, and report to our funders on the importance of our work. We would like as many of our users to complete the survey as possible in order to demonstrate how many people our service is reaching.

Some questions refer to the benefits of peer support, and some are required by our funders for equality monitoring purposes. If there is anything you do not want to answer, please skip to the next question.

All surveys can be completed anonymously and are confidential. At the end of the questionnaire, you have the option to add your contact details if you would like to receive information from us.

We would like to use direct quotes from the survey responses in reports, to raise awareness and to advertise the service. All quotes will be anonymous.

With warm thanks for your help,
The APP Team

Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is committed to protecting your personal data. If you have given your personal data, this will be stored securely and is only available to APP staff. We will never pass your personal data onto anyone else without your written permission. More information can be found in our privacy policy:
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8% of survey complete.