We are always striving to provide quality services to the businesses within our community.  If you have had a fire inspection completed within the last 12 months by one of our fire inspectors, then please let us know about your experience.

Question Title

* 1. The Fire Inspector(s) introduced themselves and explained the purpose of their visit

Question Title

* 2. Please select the choice, for each, that best reflects your expectations.

  Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations No Opinion Below Expectations Unacceptable
Appearance and Professionalism of the Fire Inspector(s)
The Fire Inspector(s) identified and explained violations as they were found
The Fire Inspector(s) explained the time frame for repairs and re-inspection
The Fire Inspector was knowledgeable regarding issues and/or inspection practices
The Fire Inspector was available to answer questions

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* 3. Do you have any other comments regarding your experience with a Washington Township Fire Inspector?

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* 4. Business Information

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* 5. Inspection Information

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* 6. Name of person completing this survey