Mayday Challenge Pack Feedback
Name of Unit (including section) that participated in the challenge pack?
How many members in your unit participated in and completed the challenge?
How did you hear about the challenge?
Girlguiding Cymru Website
Girlguiding Cymru Facebook
Girlguiding Cymru Twitter
Girlguiding Cymru Newsletter
County Mailing
County Social Media
Other (please specify)
Which activities did your unit participate in for Part 1 Stop and Think?
Activity 1 - talk about possible dangers
Activity 2 - draw a water safety poster
Activity 3 - put together a bag of items
Activity 4 - importance of stop and think
Activity 5 - podcast interview
Activity 6 - meaning of rip current
Which activities did your unit participate in for Part 1 Stay Together?
Activity 1 - tell others about safety signs and flags
Activity 2 - draw safety flags
Activity 3 - importance of staying together
Activity 4 - make up a short rap
Activity 5 - what to do in different dilemmas
Activity 6 - situation decision making
Which activities did your unit participate in for Part 1 Float?
Activity 1 - demonstrate 'star' floating
Activity 2 - importance of float position
Activity 3 - float to live presentation
Activity 4 - make up a short rap
Activity 5 - cold water impact
Activity 6 - test your instinct
Activity 7 - create a short video
Which activities did your unit participate in for Part 1 call 999 or 112?
Activity 1 - learn how to call for help
Activity 2 - Find out about the part the RNLI plays in a rescue
Activity 3 - create and act out a scene
Activity 4 - awareness of emotions
Activity 5 - support in scenarios
Part 2 - Past - what did your unit design to commemorate the centenary?
Part 2 - Present - what activity did you do to find out more about the current work of the RNLI?
Part 2 - Future - what activity did you do to support the work of the RNLI beyond the centenary?
How do you rate the activities that you took part in?
Very Poor
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
Very Good
5 stars
What activity did the participants enjoy the most/what was the favourite?
What activity did the participants least enjoy?
Before taking part in the challenge pack, how much did your unit know about the RNLI?
Knew very little
1 star
Had some knowledge
2 stars
Knew a lot
3 stars
After taking part in the challenge pack, how much did your unit know about the RNLI?
Knew very little
1 star
Had some knowledge
2 stars
Knew a lot
3 stars
Any other comments or feedback you would like to add?
Any quotes or comments from the girls regarding the challenge pack: