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The Institute for Child Success (ICS) is a research and policy organization committed to ensuring the success of all young children. ICS seeks to gather stories that give a voice to Black children and their families today as the country faces civil unrest resulting from ongoing racial injustice.

The following is a brief, anonymous survey for parents and primary guardians of Black children. If you suspect that questions about your experiences with racial injustice will cause you undue trauma, please do not proceed as it is not our intent to cause further harm. 
The stories we do gather from this survey will be compiled, analyzed and initially shared with staff and our Board. Results will also be shared more publicly, still anonymously, as a means of education, and awareness-building. Specifically, ICS will share these stories with policymakers to encourage policies that more effectively address the needs of Black children in the United States.

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* 1. Are you the parent or primary guardian of a Black child?

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* 3. Knowing the region of the state where you live will help us identify your local representatives and policymakers with whom we can share your stories. Please type in the five-digit zip code that corresponds to where you live.

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* 4. Please indicate the gender and age of each child in your care who is 18 years of age and younger.  For example, two children should be listed like this: B-5, G-8. If your child does not conform to a gender you may list only their age.

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* 5. Do recent incidents make you feel more worried about your child’s future?

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* 6. Please explain your previous answer. If you have a specific story or incident that has impacted your answer, we encourage you to share here.

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* 7. When thinking about how society may view your child’s race and/or skin color, what one word captures your emotion?

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* 8. Please explain why you chose the word you did. If you have a specific story or incident that has impacted your answer, we encourage you to share here.

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* 9. Given the current and ongoing climate of racial injustice in the United States, what advice would you give or what would you want ICS to know so that we can– with empathy and understanding – effectively advocate on behalf of Black families and Black children?

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* 10. ICS believes that there is value in making visible the potential for beauty, hope and joy in the future of our world – a future that includes the Black children we know and love, as well as the little ones we have not met yet. What would you like community leaders to know about your child?

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