AllAccess – Creating Accessible Public Space is a new program dedicated to making Ontario’s public spaces more accessible for everyone. The program helps designers, planners, municipalities, property owners and others involved in the design and development of public spaces to better understand and implement the Design of Public Spaces Standards (DOPS), the design requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

This survey is gathering information on how practitioners in Ontario design accessible public spaces and any challenges or lessons learned they have come across in their work. Anyone involved in the planning, design or development of public spaces is encouraged to participate. 

For more information about AllAccess visit:

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* 1. Which of the following best describes you?

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* 2. What size is your organization?

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* 3. Are you involved in the design and/or development of public spaces? (e.g. publicly or privately owned spaces that are open and accessible to the public).

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* 4. Have you ever incorporated accessibility features into your public space projects?

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* 5. If you answered yes to Q#4, for which type of clients do you typically work for? (select as many that apply)

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* 6. What do you think are the biggest challenges to designing/developing accessible public spaces? (rate on scale of 1 to 3)

  1 - not a challenge 2 - somewhat of a challenge 3 - significant challenge Not sure 
Lack of awareness about how to design an accessible public space
Confusion about how and where to apply accessibility standards (e.g. DOPS, OBC)
Costs associated with accessibility requirements
Lack of clarity on roles and responsibilities 
Lack of consequences for not incorporating accessibility standards
Property owners’ willingness to incorporate accessibility requirements

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* 7. How familiar are you with the Design of Public Space Standards (DOPS), the design requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)?

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* 8. How often does DOPS come into play in your work?

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* 9. Do you have any feedback on how DOPS can be improved?

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* 10. Do you have any feedback on what about DOPS is working well?

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* 11. Did your organization submit an accessibility compliance report in 2017? 

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* 12. Within your organization, who is responsible for reporting on AODA/accessibility compliance?

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* 13. Would you be interested in tools or resources to help you to better understand and implement DOPS?

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* 14. Which target audience(s) do you think needs education regarding DOPS?

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* 15. What types of tools or resources would be most helpful to you?

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* 16. Any other comments?

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* 17. If you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive updates about the project, please leave your email address below.