Community experiences of the 2022 Australian floods

Thank you for engaging with our research on Community experiences of the January – July 2022 floods in New South Wales and Queensland. Please provide feedback on the research findings via the questions below.
1.What agency/organisation do you represent?
2.What is your role?
3.Where did you obtain information about the research findings? Tick all that apply.
4.Which communication formats are most useful for your agency/organisation when disseminating research findings such as these?
5.How useful for your agency/organisation were the findings/data from the following content areas?
A little
Not at all
Not relevant to my agency/organisation
Prior flood data, preparedness, and protective actions
Warnings, information, and trust
Community responders and the role of community in recovery
Evacuation and sheltering behaviour
Housing, recovery services and support
Infrastructure, planning, and future adaptation
Social vulnerability, social context, and mental health
6.How likely is it that your agency/organisation will be able to use findings/data related to the following content areas to improve and update policy and practice?
A little
Not at all
Not relevant to my agency/organisation
Prior flood data, preparedness, and protective actions
Warnings, information, and trust
Community responders and the role of community in recovery
Evacuation and sheltering behaviour
Clean-up, disposal, and insurance
Housing, recovery services and support
Infrastructure, planning, and future adaptation
Social vulnerability, social context, and mental health
7.If the findings/data are likely to be used, how will they be applied within your agency/organisation? Tick all that apply.
8.How do you rate the capability and capacity of your agency/organisation to be able to translate and implement research evidence?
1 (High)
5 (Low)
9.What would help your agency/organisation to best use the knowledge/insights/data from the research?
10.What additional research or evidence do you need?
11.Do you have any suggestions of how we could better communicate the research to your agency/organisation?