Z'Tree 2024

Vote for your favorite Zionsville Tree

Sycamore: We have enjoyed this beautiful
sycamore tree in our backyard for many
years. We purchased this property 7.5 years
ago from a wonderful woman whom was
retired but had raised her family here. This
sycamore tree was here long before Colony
Woods was created. We have a photo
which remained with the house during our
purchase process which shows the sycamore
on the pond with cows grazing in the pasture
on the space where Colony Woods sits
today. This tree represents both our pasts as
a farming community as well as our present,
a thriving neighborhood filled with families
sharing an appreciation for our local town
and its charm.
Burr Oak: The tree is older than the town and is growing through the deck on the west side of the house.
Pink Dogwood: This tree is important to our family
because it represents new beginnings. We
were so fortunate to have the opportunity to
live anywhere in the country, due to my job,
and we picked Zionsville to raise our family,
moving from Seattle. This dogwood is in it's
early growth, like our daughter, and its
beauty represents the beauty of our
neighborhood, our town, and the people
who live here.
1.Which Tree is your favorite