Privacy and consent

BuiltHub seeks to determine what a platform for a Europe-wide data exchange related to the building stock needs to offer in order to propose value to you or your organisation, as potential users. For example, what data, analyses, or community interactions would help you? What should the platform provide? Based on our value proposition, this survey helps us to understand which platform services you consider useful. Answering this survey should take 12- 15 minutes. Thank you very much in advance for completing this questionnaire.

BPIE is the lead partner of this survey conducted for BuiltHub, a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957026. 

By filling out this form you agree that we will process your data in line with our privacy policy.

If you have questions regarding the privacy policy please email our Data Protection Officer:
For general questions please contact

* answer required

Question Title

* 1. By clicking Yes, you agree to the above terms.

17% of survey complete.