Question Title

* 1. Full name

Question Title

* 2. University email address

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* 3. Student ID

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* 4. Are you a conjoint student?

Question Title

* 5. What stage are you at in the law degree?

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* 6. Are you the first in your family to study law?

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* 7. Are you an international student?

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* 8. Have you participated in this programme before?

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* 9. Why are you interested in the Career Preview Programme 2024?

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* 10. How do you think the Career Preview Programme 2024 will help you?

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* 11. What are your hopes for your life in the next 5 years?

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* 12. What do you like to do outside of studies/work? Extra-curricular activities, clubs/societies, hobbies etc

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* 13. I understand this form is an application and does not guarantee my acceptance into the Auckland Law School Career Preview Programme.

I confirm that I am committed to the programme and if selected I will attend the scheduled workshops and events.

30 July 3-5pm
7 August 3-5pm