Youth Services Survey Question Title * 1. What languages does your family speak at home? English Spanish Arabic Italian Chinese Haitian Creole Portuguese Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you have a Bridgeport Public Library card? Yes Yes, but it's expired or lost No Question Title * 3. If "yes", how do you use your library card? Check out books and/or other materials Use a computer at the library Use library online resources Check out discount museum passes Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If "no", please state why. I was not aware that I could get a library card. I was not aware that library cards are free. I do not know what services I can get with a library card. Question Title * 5. Why do you and your family visit the library? To read or for leisure To attend story times and/or other library programs To borrow books and/or other materials To use a computer To meet with other families, friends, homeschool groups, etc. To get assistance from a librarian (research latest books, school projects, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What programs would you and your family be interested in attending? In person story time for ages 0-5 In person story time for ages 6-12 Online story time for ages 0-5 Online story time for ages 6-12 Teen programs in person Teen programs online Arts and crafts programs Music programs for children Yoga for kids Hip hop dance classes for kids Coding classes and other computer classes for kids Exotic animal shows Magician visits Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What materials do you check out for you and your family? Picture books Chapter books Graphic novels Teen books eBooks Fiction Non-fiction Biographies DVDs Books in languages other than English Manga Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How can the library better serve you and your family? Done