Are you interested in applying for support and funding to develop a new visitor experience in the Horsham district?

Horsham District Council and Experience Sussex are working on a funded project to support the creation of new experiences or enhance existing visitor experiences in the Horsham district. We are keen to understand the current visitor offers available across the district and explore new ideas and potential to attract visitors to the area.

This short survey is designed to help us understand what you already offer, any new ideas that you might have and help us understand what learning and resource support is required to build business resilience and prosperity.

Experience Sussex will follow up on support and grant funding available. To ensure we have up to date information please do supply your contact details. Personal details will remain confidential in line with the West Sussex County Council privacy policy and will only be used in relation to this project together with Horsham District Council. Horsham District Council has a data retention policy and this data will be held securely on its own servers within this period (3 years plus current year). Thereafter it will be securely deleted. Please read the Horsham District Council Privacy Statement for more information.
Section 1: Visitor Experience Questions

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* 1. Do you currently offer any tourism or visitor experiences in Horsham District? Either operated by yourself or in partnership with other local businesses?

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* 2. Are you interested in developing a new or enhanced experience for your business?

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* 3. Have you got experience and knowledge you would like to share with other businesses in their development of new experiences?

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* 4. Are you interested in hearing more about the support and funding available?

Section 2: About your business:

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* 5. Contact name

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* 7. Contact phone

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* 8. Business name

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* 9. Business address

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* 10. Website or prime social media address

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* 11. Type of business

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* 12. When does your business operate

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* 13. How many employees do you have?

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* 14. Please tell us what you offer currently – tick all that apply

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* 15. Experience Sussex is also to deliver support for visitor economy businesses, and we are keen to learn which support would be helpful for your business resilience.
Please tick all that apply so we can plan our business support programme.

Thank you for completing this survey. We will be in touch if you have requested a follow up, with details on funding and support.
Please contact with any questions.

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This project is funded from the UK Government powered by Levelling Up

This project is funded from the UK Government powered by Levelling Up