Rydym fel Pwyllgor y Neuadd yn y broses o ystyried opsiynau o ran gwneud gwelliannau ac addasiadau i’r adeilad, er mwyn medru darparu cyfleusterau gwell a gofod addas i gynnal ystod o weithgareddau, gwasanaethau a phrosiectau newydd.
Mae arnom angen eich cymorth CHI gyda cam nesaf datblygu’r prosiect i addasu ac uwchraddio cyfleusterau’r Neuadd a’ch barn am beth ddylai’r blaenoriaethau fod wrth i ni symud ymlaen gyda chynlluniau. Bydd eich sylwadau’n gymorth i gefnogi ein ceisiadau am gyllid i wireddu unrhyw waith addasu a gwelliannau i’r Neuadd.
The Village Hall Committee are in the process of looking into options to make improvements to the building, to be able to provide better facilities and suitable space to hold a range of activities, services and new projects.
We need YOUR help with the next step of developing the project to refurbish and upgrade the Hall’s facilities and your views about what to prioritise as we move forward with project proposals. Your comments will help support our applications for funding to implement any adaptation work and improvements to the Hall.