Holiadur Prosiect Addasu Neuadd Bentref Rhyd-y-main

Rhyd-y-main Village Hall Refurbishment Project Questionnaire

Rydym fel Pwyllgor y Neuadd yn y broses o ystyried opsiynau o ran gwneud gwelliannau ac addasiadau i’r adeilad, er mwyn medru darparu cyfleusterau gwell a gofod addas i gynnal ystod o weithgareddau, gwasanaethau a phrosiectau newydd.
Mae arnom angen eich cymorth CHI gyda cam nesaf datblygu’r prosiect i addasu ac uwchraddio cyfleusterau’r Neuadd a’ch barn am beth ddylai’r blaenoriaethau fod wrth i ni symud ymlaen gyda chynlluniau. Bydd eich sylwadau’n gymorth i gefnogi ein ceisiadau am gyllid i wireddu unrhyw waith addasu a gwelliannau i’r Neuadd.  
The Village Hall Committee are in the process of looking into options to make improvements to the building, to be able to provide better facilities and suitable space to hold a range of activities, services and new projects.
We need YOUR help with the next step of developing the project to refurbish and upgrade the Hall’s facilities and your views about what to prioritise as we move forward with project proposals. Your comments will help support our applications for funding to implement any adaptation work and improvements to the Hall.
1.Pa ddefnydd ydych chi’n ei wneud o Neuadd Rhyd-y-main ar hyn o bryd?

What use do you currently make of Rhyd-y-main Village Hall?
2.Pa mor aml ydych chi’n gwneud defnydd o’r adnoddau canlynol yn y Neuadd  -
How often do you use the following Village Hall facilities -
Bob wythnos/ Weekly
Bob mis/ Monthly
Bob 3-4 mis / Every 3-4 months
Ddwywaith y flwyddyn/ Twice a year
Unwaith y flwyddyn/ Once a year
Byth/ Never
Cyfleusterau'r gegin/ Kitchen facilities
Y Brif Neuadd/   Main Hall
Y Llwyfan/ Stage
Yr Ystafell Gyfarfod/ Meeting Room
3.Fyddech chi’n ystyried gwneud defnydd o Neuadd Rhyd-y-main yn y dyfodol petai’n cael ei addasu/ moderneiddio?
Would you consider making use of Rhyd-y-main Village Hall in the future if the building were adapted/ modernised?
4.Mae Pwyllgor y Neuadd yn ystyied yr opsiwn o roi estyniad ar yr adeilad er mwyn cael mwy o ofod ar gyfer storio cadeiriau, byrddau a offer arall a gofod ar gyfer cegin newydd.  A fyddech chi’n cefnogi’r syniad yma?

The Hall Committee are considering the option of an extension to the building in order to have more storage space for tables, chairs and other equipment and space for a new kitchen.  Would you support this idea? 
5.Byddai Neuadd Rhyd-y-main yn elwa o’r gwelliannau canlynol – ydych chi’n cytuno neu’n anghytuno?

Rhyd-y-main Village Hall would benefit from the following improvements – do you agree or disagree?
Cytuno’r gryf/ Strongly agree
Cytuno/ Agree
Dim yn cytuno nag anghytuno/ Do not agree or disagree
Anghytuno/ Disagree
Anghytuno’n gryf/ Strongly disagree
Cegin fwy gyda chyfleusterau gwell/
Larger Kitchen with improved facilities
Estyniad i’r adeilad ar gyfer lle i well cyfleusterau cegin, toiledau ac adnoddau eraill/
An extension to the building for space for better kitchen, toilet and other facilities
Storfa i gadw byrddau, cadeiriau, offer ac ati/
Storeroom to keep tables, chairs, equipment etc
System sain a goleuo gwell/
Improved sound and lighting system
Toiledau ychwanegol a lle newid babi/
Extra Toilets and baby changing facilities 
System wresogi mwy ynni effeithion cynaladwy gwyrdd/
A green sustainable energy efficient heating system
Peintio, gwella diwyg ac edrychiad gofodau cyfarfod y Neuadd/
Paint, improve layout and appearance of Hall’s meeting spaces
6.Oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau ar y cynlluniau drafft i addasu’r Neuadd?
Do you have any comments on the draft plans to refurbish the Village Hall?
7.Pa opsiwn i addasu’r Neuadd sydd well gennych?
Which option to refurbish the Village Hall do you prefer?
8.A oes unrhyw weithgareddau newydd yr hoffech eu gweld yn cael eu cynnal yn y Neuadd?  
Are there any new activities you might like to see held at the Village Hall?
9.Oes gweithgareddau neu wasanaethau newydd eraill yr hoffech eu gweld yn y pentref?
Are there any other new services or activities you would like to see in the village?
10.Unrhyw sylwadau pellach -  Any further comments?
11.Proffil Oedran/ Age Profile
12.Ydych chi'n/ Are you
13.Os hoffech gynorthwyo’n gyffredinol gyda’r Neuadd a’r datblygiadau –  er enghraifft gyda chynnal rhai o’r gweithgareddau, trefnu digwyddiadau, trefnu cyhoeddusrwydd - os gwelwch yn dda nodwch eich manylion cyswllt –

If you are interested in helping generally with the Village Hall and the developments - for example helping with some of the activities, organising events, organising publicity - please provide your contact details - 
Diolch am eich amser yn cwblhau'r holiadur
Thank you for your time in answering the questionnaire