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* 1. Name

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* 2. What is a chronotype?

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* 3. There are guidelines published by the National Sleep Foundation. What is the hours of sleep recommended for teenagers according to these guidelines?

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* 4. Should you set a wind down time? If so, how long before your bed time?

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* 5. What are some things you could do before your bedtime?

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* 6. What has the greatest ability to keep you awake later and later?

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* 7. What is the first thing you should do when it is your wind down time?

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* 8. What is a good beverage to drink late in the evening or at night before bed time that is non-caffeinated?

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* 9. What was item #5 of things you need to stop doing at night?

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* 10. Why shouldn't you work out late at night?

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* 11. What can interrupt your momentum of the mornings?