Quality Counts CA (QCC) PD Stipend Post Participant Survey 2020-21
QCC Workforce Pathways Grant for Nevada County

1.Participant Name (First and Last)(Required.)
2.Date of Birth (DOB is used to match your Registry Number)(Required.)
3.Registry Number(Required.)
4.What is your residence Zip Code?(Required.)
5.Do you work in west (Grass Valley, Nevada City, and surrounding area) or east (Truckee) Nevada County?(Required.)
6.Child care affiliation/type(Required.)
7.Which type of Center?(Required.)
8.Which type of Family Child Care?(Required.)
9.Which type of Alternative Site?(Required.)
10.Current position(Required.)
11.Age groups served(Required.)
12.Years of teaching experience(Required.)
13.Before taxes and deductions, please estimate your average hourly pay.

This information will only be used as an aggregated statistic report for the ECE workforce in Nevada County and shown in comparison to other education occupations. Your information will be kept confidential.
14.Which professional development option(s) are you applying for? (select 2 max)(Required.)
15.Stipend amount requested ($700 max, $750 max if you completed a math course):(Required.)
16.What was your highest level of education BEFORE participation in the QCC Workforce Development Pathways Grant this year? (Before July 1, 2020)(Required.)
17.What is your highest level of education AFTER participation in the QCC Workforce Development Pathways Grant this year? (By June 30, 2021)(Required.)
18.Did you Obtain or Renew, Maintain, or Increase the level of your Child Development Permit through your participation in the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant?(Required.)
19.What type of Permit did you Renew or Obtain?(Required.)
20.What type of Permit did you Maintain?(Required.)
21.What type of Permit did you Increase?(Required.)
22.Did you complete higher education units as a result of your participation in the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant?(Required.)
23.How many units did you complete? (Write N/A if you did not complete higher education units)(Required.)
24.Are you currently in an AA/AS or BA/BS program?(Required.)
25.What type of units did you complete?(Required.)
26.Would any of the following professional development supports be useful to you in your degree attainment? (select all that apply)
27.Which of the following financial support would help you advance your college coursework, certification and/or professional development? (select all that apply)
28.Did you complete professional development (PD) as a result of your participation in the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant?(Required.)
29.How easy was it to create a profile and upload documents in the Registry? (1=very challenging and 5=very easy)(Required.)
30.What PD did you complete through the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
31.Did you receive any other workforce benefits as a result of your participation in the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant? (check all that apply)(Required.)
32.Which of the following training opportunities would be useful to you? (select all that apply)
33.How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to finances?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I worry about having enough money to pay bills
I worry about having enough food
I worry about paying for health care
I worry about paying for transportation
I worry about having enough money for an emergency
I worry about having enough savings for retirement
I worry about personal debt load
I worry about being contacted by debt collectors
I worry about having enough money for training
I worry about having my benefits reduced
34.How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to your job?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I worry about having my hours reduced
I worry about not getting a raise
I worry about being sent home without pay if child attendance is low or the program has an unexpected closure
I worry about being unable to take time off for family issues
I worry about being laid off
I worry about losing pay due to personal or family illness
35.How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Having this motivates me or would motivate me to stay in the early childhood education field…
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Better pay
Better benefits
Help working with children with challenging behaviors
More respect
Professional growth opportunities
Support in working with children with special needs
Smaller teacher-child ratio
Better working conditions
More planning time
More stable hours
Opportunity to network
More substitutes
Fewer hours
None, I plan on retiring