Shipper Rate Outlook Q2 2021 Question Title * 1. Which best describes your sector? Manufacturing / Industrial Production Food Production Retail Production Oil/Gas/Energy Building Materials Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Where do you expect each of the following to be at the end of Q2 vs the beginning of Q2: Significantly Lower Somewhat lower About the same Somewhat higher Significantly Higher Shipment Volumes Shipment Volumes Significantly Lower Shipment Volumes Somewhat lower Shipment Volumes About the same Shipment Volumes Somewhat higher Shipment Volumes Significantly Higher Contract Rates Contract Rates Significantly Lower Contract Rates Somewhat lower Contract Rates About the same Contract Rates Somewhat higher Contract Rates Significantly Higher Spot Rates Spot Rates Significantly Lower Spot Rates Somewhat lower Spot Rates About the same Spot Rates Somewhat higher Spot Rates Significantly Higher Question Title * 3. Which of the following do you feel is most likely to loosen trucking capacity in 2021? (Choose up to 3) Increase in new CDL issuances Reduction in social distancing measures Reopening of service sector economy Lower consumer goods demand Weaker housing market Slow down in industrial recovery I don't believe trucking capacity will loosen in 2021 Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What percentage of your contracts are the following duration? (The total must add up to 100; please no % signs.) <3 months 3 - 6 mo. 6 - 12 mo. 1-year or more Question Title * 5. To your knowledge, are your companies inventories currently: Significantly lower than target Somewhat lower than target Right on target Somewhat higher than target Significantly higher than target Question Title * 6. Rank the following in order of most challenging to least challenging for your company over the next 3 month: Question Title * 7. What is your estimated annual transportation budget? Less than $50 million $50 - 100 million $101 - 250 million $251 - $500 million $500 million + Done