OSU's New Beginnings for Tribal Students program is offering financial support for undergrads attending science conferences. Payments are provided as reimbursement AFTER the event, up to $1500, based on expenses described in this application.  For questions email bessiejoyce4@gmail.com. 

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* 1. Your name. First Last.

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* 2. Your tribal affiliation.

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* 3. Major

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* 4. When do you plan to graduate? Month and year.

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* 5. What is the name of the conference you would like to attend?

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* 6. Conference webpage

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* 7. Where is the conference located? City, state, country. 

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* 8. Dates you would like to attend.

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* 9. Will you be enrolled as a student at the time of the conference?

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* 10. Conference registration fee:

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* 11. Estimated travel expenses. For example, airline ticket, gas for miles driven etc.

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* 12. Describe travel expenses, i.e., is for gas mileage, airline ticket, etc.

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* 13. Lodging expenses if overnight. 

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* 14. Describe lodging expenses, i.e., how many nights and in what city and state. 

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* 15. The total of expenses listed above.

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* 16. Explain why you would like to attend this conference. What do you hope to gain from attendance. Did someone recommend this conference to you. Is there a particular topic or session you are interested in and why?

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* 17. Please provide a faculty or professional reference. Someone that recommends you attend this conference.

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* 18. Will you be able to cover the conference expenses and then be reimbursed for approved expenses later?

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* 19. Will you save copies of your conference expenses (RECEIPTS) for records, if needed?

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* 20. Do you agree to submit a one-page report about the conference after attending and before your payment request is processed?

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* 21. Do you have any other comments or questions?