1. Your Input Is Needed!

The SCNY ED Group's Program and Steering Committees need your feedback on the following program ideas for 2010.

Question Title

* 1. Rank the program topics below from 1 to 5 (1 highest and 5 lowest). Please add any additional ideas or comments:

  1 2 3 4 5
Agency presentations
Tax, audit and compliance issues-new and pending legislative, regulatory changes
Fundraising, development,grantwriting
Energy conservation(in facilities) and going green
Training Executives on working with a board
Training for Board members
Leadership Development
Collaborative Match Making "Let's Join Forces"
Collaborations - Step by Step model
Non-Profits as a business model
Partnerships, mergers & acquisitions "survival benefits"
Strategic planning
Marketing and promoting my organization/social marketing
Technology strategic communications
Cultural factors in the non-profit service management
Benefits packages how to access & evaluate
Creative staffing and benefits
Personnel issues including retention, satisfaction,records etc
Role of HR & Ethics Policies
Management information for human services organizations

Question Title

* 2. Specific topics in each area that I would like to see offered:

Question Title

* 3. The following are possible topics for extended training topics. Please rank the program topics from 1 to 5 (1 being highest and 5 lowest) if you would attend. Please add any additional ideas or comments.

  1 2 3 4 5
Executive Director relationship with the Board (involving Board Members)
Leadership Development: How to be an effective leader in these tough times
Let's Join Forces: A collaborative match making session
Non-profits as a business model

Question Title

* 4. Are you interested in hosting a meeting at your location? If so, please include your contact information.

Question Title

* 5. Are you interested in joining the Program Committee for the upcoming year?