Budget consultation Our vision is to make Wyre Forest a ‘safe, vibrant and clean place to live, work and visit’. Our priorities are ‘economic growth and regeneration’, ‘a clean, safe and green district’ and ‘securing financial sustainability for services that local communities value.’ Our Corporate Plan sets out the top actions to deliver on these priorities. You can read more about the corporate plan here. This consultation is on our medium term financial strategy and the budget proposals we are suggesting to help us deliver corporate plan actions. Our current financial position is well documented. In February 2024 we estimated that we would have a £2.14 million funding gap at the end of 2026-27. It is now predicted this will be about £2.203 million in 2027-28. If we do not reduce our total spend it is likely that our reserves will runout in 2027-28. We would like your views on the Cabinet’s budget proposals. These are things the Cabinet believes we should do to enable the council to continue operating and delivering on its priorities. Please remember that, while you pay your Council Tax bill to Wyre Forest District Council, we only keep 11% of it to provide the district council’s services. The remainder goes to Worcestershire County Council (69%), West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner (13%), Hereford and Worcester Fire Authority (4%) and Parish/Town Councils (average of 3%). Wyre Forest District Council does not control how much the other organisations charge for their share of the bill. The budget proposals include a rise in the District Council’s share of the Council Tax by 3%, which at Band D represents £7.29 for the year or 14p a week. The majority of householders in the district will pay less than this because almost three quarters of homes in Wyre Forest are in Bands A to C.Read the Cabinet report on the Medium Term Financial StrategyFind out more about how we spend our share of the Council Tax Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Next