How gender impacts professional women

This survey is intended to measure whether gender impacts women differently, depending upon their profession and the characteristics of their workplace.  This survey is for a class I am taking at Northeastern University as part of the Doctor of Education program.  The goal of this survey is to gain experience in designing and administering surveys with the intent to use knowledge gained from this homework assignment to conduct a survey for my dissertation next year. All responses are confidential and will be discarded once my assignment is completed.  Thank you for your help.
1.My career growth has been impacted by my gender
2.Opportunities to advance has been impacted by my gender
3.My ability to do my job has been impacted by my gender
4.My gender has created a salary gap between myself and my male peers
5.My performance has been assessed differently than my male peers because of my gender
6.The types of jobs I have been offered has been impacted by my gender
7.Fewer mentors are available to me because of my gender
8.Fewer role models are available to me because of my gender
9.I have not had support in my career because of  my gender
10.I have been treated differently than my male colleagues
11.I have experienced gender discrimination at my workplace
12.I have experienced sexual harassment at my workplace
13.I feel the environment at my workplace is healthy
14.I feel satisfied with my job
15.I am happy with my overall career
16.Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
17.Please indicate your race/ethnicity
18.Please indicate your age category