2024 ASHT Practice Productivity Survey

The 2024 ASHT Practice Productivity Survey is a comprehensive questionnaire designed to gather information from ASHT members. The survey consists of questions concerning practice setting, typical work schedule and overall work environment. Additionally, time spent dedicated to direct patient care, mentoring, administration and documentation are included in the questions. To assist in determining trends in hand therapy practice, questions regarding productivity standards, volume expectations, orthosis fabrication, billing and coding practices are included specific for the hand therapy work environment. Lastly, we are interested in what factors influence job satisfaction, productivity and overall performance.

We thank you in advance for your participation!

The Hand Therapy Certification Commission will provide one contact hour of professional development credit to you under Category C, which can be used for certification or recertification. In order to receive credit and print your certificate, you will need to email ASHT at asht@asht.org after completing the survey.

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your primary work setting?

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* 3. How many hours a week do you work?

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* 4. How many hours per week do you spend in direct patient care excluding documentation and non-clinical time?

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* 5. How many hours per week do you spend in documentation?

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* 6. How many hours per week do you spend on non-productive clinical time spent away from patient care or documentation?

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* 7. How do you spend your nonclinical/non-documentation time? Select all that apply.

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* 8. How are you paid? Select all that apply.

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* 9. Please indicate the number of scheduled initial evaluations you perform in an average week.

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* 10. Please indicate the number of custom orthoses you fabricate in an average week.

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* 11. How many unscheduled walk-in/add-on patients do you have in an average week?

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* 13. Once a patient has been evaluated, what is the average frequency of appointments for per patient/per week?

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* 14. Please estimate the average length of time you spend on an average treatment session (post initial evaluation).

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* 15. Please estimate the average length of time of your upper extremity initial evaluations?

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* 16. Please indicate if you utilize one or more of the following patient-care extenders. Select all that apply.

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* 17. How many other hand therapists work in the same clinic as you?

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* 18. Do you find your clients are unable to attend the recommended follow-up appointments?

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* 19. What percent of your patients have been unable to attend the recommended number of visits?

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* 20. Please indicate the reason(s) that you feel prevented your patients from attending the recommended number of visits? Select all that apply.

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* 21. Select all that apply for your payor mix.

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* 22. How does your practice define productivity? Select all that apply.

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* 24. If yes, how is custom orthosis fabrication in your productivity calculation?

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* 25. How many codes do you commonly bill for per a single patient visit?

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* 26. How many timed units do you code for per a single patient visit?

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* 27. How many untimed units do you code for per a single patient visit?

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* 30. What do you perceive to be the biggest issue affecting hand therapy practice?

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* 33. How would you describe the geographical location of your primary employment?

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* 34. Please choose your primary professional discipline.

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* 35. How many years have you practiced in upper extremity rehabilitation?

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* 36. How many years have you practiced as a Certified Hand Therapist?

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* 38. What benefit do you utilize the most through your ASHT membership?

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* 39. Are any insurance companies problematic with reimbursement or authorization requirements for your practice? If yes, please explain in the comment box below:

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* 40. Where should ASHT focus advocacy efforts? Please provide comment below:

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* 41. What are the most frequent CPT evaluation codes billed in your practice?

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* 42. What are the most frequent CPT treatment codes billed in your practice? Please select 3 codes from the list below:

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* 43. In regards the CPT codes in question 40, why do you utilize these codes?

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* 44. If you bill L-codes in your practice, what are the most frequent L-codes billed in your practice? Please select 3 codes from the list below:

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* 45. How often are you assisting with prosthetic devices (fitting, sizing, functional task practice, etc.)?