Our Integrated Annual report (IAR) aims to inform our stakeholders about our financial and non- financial performance, focusing on the issues material to the TITAN Group. As part of our continuous efforts to improve the communication with our stakeholders, we also publish a Summary IAR offering a quick overview of our performance during the reported year.

Please take a minute to respond to this survey and share your thoughts and suggestions about our IAR 2019. Your feedback will help us to better address your needs and make next year's report more comprehensive and informative. Your responses will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Which version of the IAR do you prefer to use?

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* 2. Which format of the IAR do you prefer to use?

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* 3. Was our Integrated Annual Report 2019 helpful in learning more about TITAN Group?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate our Integrated Annual Report 2019 as per the following statements

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree N/A
Our Report offers a better understanding of TITAN's business and strategy
Our Report provides detailed information about all material issues related to company operations

Question Title

* 5. Please rate which of the following sections of the Summary IAR 2019 you find as most useful (Rating from 1-5, with 1: lowest, 5: highest)

  1 2 3 4 5
Message from the Chairman of the BoD
Message from the Chairman of the Group Executive Committee 
Understanding TITAN | Βusiness overview
Understanding TITAN | Performance highlights
Management report | Corporate Governance and Risk Management
Management report | Non-financial review and statements
Management report | Financial review and statements

Question Title

* 6. Please specify which stakeholder group you belong to

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* 7. Do you have any other suggestions for TITAN's Integrated Annual Report (e.g., extra information not currently published, comments on design or content)?