2020 Virtual Texas Book Festival Survey Question Title * 1. How many times have you been to the Texas Book Festival? This is my first time 1 to 5 times More than 5 times More than 10 times Question Title * 2. What kind of programming did you watch most at Texas Book Festival this year? Texas Teen Book Festival Programs Children's Programs Adult Programs Lit Crawl Programs Question Title * 3. About how many Texas Book Festival virtual sessions did you attend/watch? 0 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31+ Question Title * 4. What did you like the most about the virtual Festival? Please choose your top 2 reasons. Ability to watch sessions from home Ability to watch/listen to sessions while on the go (in car, walking, etc) Ability to watch sessions over a period of weeks instead of two days Like not having to choose between two sessions happening at the same time Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What does your ideal Texas Book Festival look like, post COVID-19? Back to a totally in-person event Sticking to a fully virtual event A mix of virtual and in-person sessions Additional comments Question Title * 6. What Festival offerings and/or engagement opportunities were you aware of? Check all that apply. Virtual Kids Pass Random House Kids Art School Lit Crawl Cocktail Pick Up Virtual Exhibitor Marketplace Austin 360 Book Club powered by TBF Question Title * 7. What kind of report card grade would you give the Festival this year in each of the following categories? A B C D E Authors I am interested in Authors I am interested in A Authors I am interested in B Authors I am interested in C Authors I am interested in D Authors I am interested in E Diversity of authors Diversity of authors A Diversity of authors B Diversity of authors C Diversity of authors D Diversity of authors E Session and panel topics Session and panel topics A Session and panel topics B Session and panel topics C Session and panel topics D Session and panel topics E Ease of Web interface and session registration Ease of Web interface and session registration A Ease of Web interface and session registration B Ease of Web interface and session registration C Ease of Web interface and session registration D Ease of Web interface and session registration E Virtual Session Experience Virtual Session Experience A Virtual Session Experience B Virtual Session Experience C Virtual Session Experience D Virtual Session Experience E Overall experience Overall experience A Overall experience B Overall experience C Overall experience D Overall experience E Any additional comments Question Title * 8. Which of the following best describes why you attended the Virtual Festival? (please check your top 3) I like going to free community events I like going to book events I like to learn about authors I haven’t read before I think reading and books are important I like to have my children learn about books and authors I want to show my support for the Texas Book Festival Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What would make the Festival better for you? Question Title * 10. Please check all the statements below that are true for you personally. I am a writer and like to network with other writers and those who love books I enjoy listening to author panel conversations I am a creative person who is here to support authors I am a community minded person who likes to be part of community events It is important to me that Texas Book Festival remain free of charge It is important to me that the TBF donates books or money to schools and libraries around Texas I am interested in other kinds of TBF events that could take place throughout the year Question Title * 11. Which of the following Texas Book Festival outreach programs are you familiar with? Texas Public Library Grants Reading Rock Stars Real Reads Texas Teen Book Festival Question Title * 12. Did you watch/attend virtual literary sessions and panels outside Texas Book Festival this year? If so, via which outlets? (Please select all that apply) Other virtual literary festivals My local bookstore(s) Bookstore(s) in locations other than where I live I did not attend other virtual literary events Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. How did the Texas Book Festival do in comparison to other virtual events? (Please choose 1 and elaborate) Better About the same Worse I have not attended other virtual events Please elaborate Question Title * 14. How many books (print, e-book, audio) have you bought in the past 12 months? 0 1- 5 5 to 20 More than 20 Question Title * 15. How many books did you purchase during Festival Weeks (October 31 through November 15)? 0 1 or 2 3 to 5 More than 5 books Question Title * 16. From which source did you primarily purchase your books? Through TBF’s “Buy the Book(s)” links in the CrowdCast platform Through TBF’s “Festival Books” page Through TBF’s web store on BookPeople.com, TBF’s partner bookseller Through Amazon Through another online/digital retailer From a brick-and-mortar bookstore other than BookPeople I didn’t purchase books between October 31 and November 15 Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. If you purchased books between 10/31 and 11/15 from sources other than TBF’s links or directly from BookPeople, what primarily influenced your decision? Price Shipping Speed Convenience Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. At which of the following places have you bought books within the past 12 months? (please check all that apply) National chain stores (e.g., Walmart, Costco, Target, etc) Independent bookstores (e.g., BookPeople, Malvern, etc) Barnes and Noble Amazon/Kindle iTunes/ iBook Question Title * 19. Which of the following grocery stores do you shop at most often? (Please check all that apply) H-E-B Central Market Trader Joe's Wheatsville Coop Whole Foods Randalls Walmart Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. Are you planning to do any of the following in the next 12 months? (Please check all that apply) Buy a new or used car Buy home furnishings Try a new grocery store other than the one you usually shop at Buy a new house Move out of the Austin area Move to the Austin area Buy a new computer, new tablet or new phone Change cell phone service Question Title * 21. What is your age? under 18 18 to 25 26 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 over 65 Question Title * 22. If your children watched Festival programming, what are their approximate ages? 0-8 9-13 13-18 Not applicable Question Title * 23. What is your gender? Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to say Question Title * 24. Describe your race/ethnicity (Check all that apply) White Black Hispanic Native American Asian Prefer not to say Other/Option not listed Question Title * 25. What is your home zip code? ZIP: Question Title * 26. Where are you from? the Austin area within the state of Texas within USA international Question Title * 27. Please select all of the following that apply to your status: I am employed full time I am employed part time I am a stay at home parent I am self-employed I am retired I am disabled I am a military veteran I am a teacher/librarian I am a college student I am a high school student I am married I am single Question Title * 28. What is the highest level of education you have attended? High School College Masters or PhD program Question Title * 29. Which of the following ranges is closest to your household income per year? $0 to $35,000 per year $36,000 to $50,000 per year $51,000 to $75,000 per year $75,000 to $100,000 per year Over $100,000 per year Question Title * 30. What is your primary way of finding the Texas Book Festival? (Please check all that apply) Friends and family Texas Book Fest social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Other social media channel Newspapers, radio, TV Schools and Libraries TBF website TBF e-newsletter Other (please specify) Question Title * 31. Do you follow TBF on the following channels? (check all that apply) Facebook Instagram Twitter Email subscriber Question Title * 32. What would you like to see more of on TBF website and social media channels? (check all that apply) Information about new books and authors Giveaways TBF staff book picks Author interviews Other (please specify) Question Title * 33. Is there any other feedback you want to give us today? If yes, type here: Question Title * 34. Enter your email and t-shirt size for a chance to win a Texas Book Festival t-shirt from this year's Festival! Done