Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy - Consultation Questionnaire

In this questionnaire you will be asked to rate a series of statements about your Group Consultation experience and experience with your SPT Consultant. Please use the rating scales provided to answer each honestly. You will also be given the opportunity to provide additional feedback! Thank you for this chance to learn from your experiences and continue to improve the Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program!

This questionnaire will remain anonymous.
1.Please select your SPT Consultant's name from the dropdown menu below:
2.Your SPT Consultant understood and was proficient at facilitating consultation. (Consider attunement, knowledge of program material, relationship building, etc.)
Somewhat Agree
3.Please feel free to provide additional feedback below.
4.Your SPT Consultant demonstrated willingness to support and respond to your needs/questions. (Consider the application of SPT to your specific population)
Somewhat Agree
5.Please feel free to provide additional feedback below.
6.Your SPT Consultant modeled authenticity and congruence during consultation and interactions.
Somewhat Agree
7.Please feel free to provide additional feedback below.
8.Your SPT Consultant facilitated experientials/activities during consultation to continue to integrate the material (Such as role play, felt sense awareness, tuning in to therapist's own body, practicing reflections, breath work, etc.)
Somewhat Agree
9.Please feel free to provide additional feedback below.
10.Your SPT Consultant educated you on the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program and other programs/resources available at the SPTI for my growth and learning.
Somewhat Agree
11.Please feel free to provide additional feedback below.
12.How would you describe your overall experience with your SPT Consultant? (Were they warm? Welcoming? Knowledgable? Communicative? etc.)
13.Were there any aspects of your consultation experience that did not feel helpful or supportive? 
14.Is there anything else you would like to share about your SPT Consultant or your experience in Group Consultation sessions during this program?