Hello Beautiful Heart. I look forward to receiving your feedback! With JOY, Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. Before you begin the survey, imagine we are sitting together, or you're with a really good friend or colleague, enjoying  a relaxed conversation. Let your written responses flow in the tone and language you would use in a conversation. 

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* 1. What's your name and email address?  If you are one of the first 7 who respond to this survey, I'll need your contact info to follow up with the "Thank You Gift". If you are not one of the first 7, I'd still love to know your name so I can tune in and thank you energetically! 

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* 2. Which of the following topics resonate most?

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* 3. Leadership Challenges: Describe the challenges of "shadows" of Transformational Leadership (for you and other Practitioners you observe)  Examples: isolation or tendency to try to do everything yourself etc.

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* 4. Sufficiency Challenges (How much is enough? Am I enough?) Describe the inner and outer challenges that come for you, or Practitioners you know, related to these questions.  

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* 5. Value Challenges:  Describe challenges you face in yourself and see in others related to value (the value of self, offerings, contribution)?

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* 6. Self Development Challenges: I believe it's important for leaders to continue to do their own "inner work" while serving others. Why might practitioners struggle with this? What might the challenges be?

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* 7. Legacy Building Challenges:  Are you drawn to create something that lives on beyond your lifetime? If so, what are the main challenges you face?

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* 8. Consequences: What have your experienced or witnessed the consequeces of not facing these leadership challenges look like?  Example: burn out. It would be most helpful if you could provide a specific example or two from your experience, or of someone you know. 

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* 9. Do you have additional thoughts, feelings, or topics related to Transformational Leadership Challenges you would like to share with me? 

Thank you for shining your LIGHT my way!!!

Georgette Star