Youth Voice and Leadership Opportunities Survey
Camp Fire National is seeking anonymous feedback from you about your experiences with leadership and sharing your voice in Camp Fire. The information gathered will inform a roadmap of ways to incorporate youth leadership & youth voice opportunities moving forward.
The questions below are designed to determine if you feel that you have a voice or opportunities to take on leadership roles at your council and to influence decision making.
Your participation in taking this survey is greatly appreciated!
Name of your council (if unknown, leave blank)
Camp Fire Alaska
Camp Fire Angeles
Camp Fire Central Coast of California
Camp Fire Central Oregon
Camp Fire Central Puget Sound
Camp Fire Central Texas
Camp Fire Columbia
Camp Fire El Dorado
Camp Fire First Texas
Camp Fire Gem State
Camp Fire Georgia, Inc.
Camp Fire Golden Empire
Camp Fire Green Country, Inc.
Camp Fire Gulf Wind, Inc.
Camp Fire Heartland
Camp Fire Heart of California
Camp Fire Heart of Iowa
Camp Fire Heart of Oklahoma, Inc.
Camp Fire Illinois Prairie
Camp Fire Inland Northwest
Camp Fire Inland Southern California
Camp Fire Midland County
Camp Fire Minnesota
Camp Fire Monticello
Camp Fire New Jersey, Inc.
Camp Fire New Mexico
Camp Fire North Central Washington
Camp Fire North Shore, Inc.
Camp Fire North Texas
Camp Fire Northwest Ohio, Inc.
Camp Fire Oneida, Inc.
Camp Fire Orca
Camp Fire Panhandle Plains
Camp Fire Patuxent Area
Camp Fire River Bend, Inc.
Camp Fire Samish
Camp Fire San Diego & Imperial Counties
Camp Fire Sandusky County
Camp Fire Snohomish County
Camp Fire Southeast Michigan
Camp Fire Southeast Texas
Camp Fire Sunshine
Camp Fire Tayanoka
Camp Fire Tesuya
Camp Fire Walla Walla
Camp Fire Western Montana
Camp Fire West Texas
Camp Fire Wilani
Camp Fire Wilbarger County
What does 'sharing your voice' mean to you?
I have opportunities to share my voice and/or participate in leadership opportunities within my council.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
What opportunities are presented to you to share your voice within your council?
What opportunities are available for you to lead within your council? Select all that apply.
Mentoring Program
Teens in Action
Service Projects
Youth Advisory Cabinet
Youth Board Participation
Youth Led Camp Fire Groups
I don't know
None of the above
Other Opportunities for Leadership
What other opportunities would you like to have to share your voice or provide leadership?
What have been barriers to participating in youth leadership opportunities?
What, if anything, could Camp Fire adults do to encourage/support you to share your voice or participate more in leadership opportunities?